
Kisima Ngeda

Kisima Ngeda Camp is set in a thick stand of doum palm and fever tree forest at the foot of a rocky hill on a 100-hectare conservancy overlooking the seasonal Lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania. An inviting natural spring emerges from the rocks just meters away from the main lodge, and the lodge has far-reaching views across the lake to the escarpment and mountains of the Ngorongoro Crater Highlands.

Accommodation & Facilities
Kisima Ngeda has eight palm-thatched tents on wooden decks that blend into the forest. The tents have spacious verandahs with comfortable chairs, large bedrooms, and en-suite bathrooms, with a bucket shower, heated through a traditional Tanganyika boiler heated by palm fronds. The cosy main building has a bar and lounge, and a dining room with good views of the lake. The camp also has a lovely pool hidden among the trees.

Wildlife & Activities
The alkaline Lake Eyasi and the hills of the adjacent Rift Valley escarpment are the ancestral home of the Hadza people, whose fascinating traditional hunter-gatherer lifestyle still survives. Guests can explore Hadza country and spend nights fly camping with the Hadzabe to gain a deeper understanding of their culture and the beautiful remote wilderness in which they live, hunt, and gather. The intriguing Datoga people, fiercely traditional pastoralists, roam the region with cattle herds and have lived alongside the Hadzabe for generations. Bird watching, bush walks, and wildlife viewing are also on offer here.

Kisima Ngeda Camp Gallery click for large image