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June 5th 2020  |   Conservation Safaris, Wildlife Safaris, Travel, Countries, Experiences, Miscellaneous, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe  |  by   Francis Naumann

Giraffe are one of Africa's most mesmerising animals.  Spotting a head peering over the top of an acacia tree or admiring the effortless ease with which they canter across the plains never fails to delight.  They are rarer than many would think, with current estimates suggesting around 111,000 individuals - ... Read more

February 7th 2020  |   Conservation Safaris, Miscellaneous  |  by   Charlotte Opperman

'Eco' and 'conservation' are big words in the safari industry right now, with camps and lodges keenly aware of the need to protect the delicate environments in which they operate.  There are myriad interesting schemes on the ground - the following is just a small snapshot of some that have ... Read more

November 27th 2019  |   Conservation Safaris, Kenya, Countries, Miscellaneous, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania  |  by   Richard Smith

Sadly, seeing rhino in the wild is a pretty tall order these days, with populations under increasing threat from poaching, habitat loss, and political conflict. That said, eco-tourism provides vital funds to conservation programmes and there are some exciting ways to get up close to these iconic beasts and help ... Read more

September 1st 2019  |   Conservation Safaris, Wildlife Safaris, Travel, Experiences, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous  |  by   Alice Gully

We’ve put together several, bucket list-amazing, sabbatical holidays and thought we should share how brilliantly a jaunt to Africa can activate the re-set button.  Running from two weeks to two months (or more), these trips can be planned as part of a worldwide holiday or stand alone, and for couples, ... Read more

February 25th 2019  |   Conservation Safaris, Kenya, Interviews, Travel, Countries, Miscellaneous  |  by   Richard Smith

Saba Douglas-Hamilton is an anthropologist, elephant conservationist and safari camp owner in Samburu, Kenya. Ahead of her UK tour in April, we asked our Facebook fans to suggest some questions for Saba. Here are the Q&A's. When is the best time to visit Samburu to see elephants – are there ... Read more

January 1st 2019  |   Community Safaris, Conservation Safaris, Kenya, Interviews, Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Miscellaneous  |  by   Alice Gully
Frank, Samburu Mporian and Saba and her daughters, image credit Elephant Watch Camp, Kenya

Q1 When did you first come face to face with an elephant? The first time I met an elephant was when I was a babe in arms at six weeks old, when my mother introduced me, on foot to a very special elephant in Manyara, Tanzania, called Virgo. She was ... Read more

November 28th 2018  |   Conservation Safaris, Kenya, Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Miscellaneous  |  by   Richard Smith

Think of safari and chances are your vision of wildlife-filled plains could be any of Kenya’s national parks. The country was home to the first real safari holidays and the variety of wildlife, landscapes and culture on offer has ensured its continued place among the Africa’s top safari destinations. If ... Read more

October 9th 2018  |   Conservation Safaris, Kenya, Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous  |  by   Alice Gully

A riding safari of a lifetime, across an ecosystem which is renowned for wildlife conservation. Spend your days exploring the valleys and hills which form some of the best riding country in Africa. With Mt. Kenya looming on the horizon, you will weave between elephant and rhino, crossing valleys and ... Read more

August 28th 2018  |   Conservation Safaris, Photography Safaris, Interviews, Travel, Wildlife Safaris, Experiences, Miscellaneous  |  by   Olly Johnson

I’m Olly Johnson and amongst other things I am a wildlife photographer. I’ve been to Namibia and loved it, but since really getting into wildlife photography my main focus so far has been native wildlife in the UK and Europe.  However, I'm off to South Africa later this month and ... Read more

May 22nd 2018  |   Conservation Safaris, Travel, Countries, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous, South Africa  |  by   Alice Gully

For those who are hooked on Africa from horseback, there comes a time when you want a totally different riding safari experience. The Ant’s Nest and Ant’s Hill annual game census safari is just that! The dates vary each year - May/June. The dates have been released for 2020: 30th ... Read more